Creating great content is the first step towards marketing success. Perhaps the most important step, though, is delivering this right content to the right buyer at the right time. There has been a lot of buzz recently around “contextual marketing,” which is more targeted and relevant to buyers. It’s about making sure you’re delivering the right type of information based on their stage of the decision-making journey, the channel/platform they’re using, and a variety of other factors.
This week, we’re spotlighting a few different articles that can help marketers deliver content in context and, in turn, boost buyer engagement:
- Get local with your content: Depending on the size and structure of your company, you may be creating content for a variety of different audiences worldwide. Not only do you have to translate this content for different languages, but you also need to think about the photos you’re using, the tone of your content, the information you share in each asset and how you promote that content. This article from Small Business Trends provides some tips and best practices to help you reach these different audiences in a more local and relevant way. One of the best tips, in my opinion, is that you need to understand buyer intent. What are they searching for? What questions will they have during their decision-making process? Once you answer these questions, you can ensure your content and keywords align.
- Think things, not strings: Since we’re talking about search and how it impacts content discovery and consumption, let’s get into the idea of “things, not strings.” Full disclosure: I’m not an SEO expert. While I’m in tune with the basics and some recent changes Google has made to its algorithm, it sometimes makes my head spin. This article, however, uncovers some great best practices that are easy to understand and apply in any business. Let’s start with what “things, not strings” actually means: In the past, Google pages were ranked based on how many times a specific page included a particular keyword. This led to some companies cramming keywords into their copy just to reap the benefits. Now, Google advises marketers to focus on providing customers with valuable knowledge and thought leadership. The more valuable the content, the better your ranking. This is great for the marketing world at large, but it significantly changes how marketers conduct keyword research. Check out this article to get a walk-through on how to use platforms like to conduct your keyword research.
- Encourage content binging on YouTube: We use YouTube as a resource for many things — whether it’s to learn how to fix a leak or to get reviews on the latest makeup palette. But the video network has become a great channel for B2B brands to engage their buyers, too. Using compelling calls to action, video thumbnails and encouraging channel subscriptions, you can turn your YouTube channel into an active hub for education and empowerment. This article is a great resource, regardless of how mature your YouTube strategy is. And with more B2B buyers looking for shorter, more compelling and interactive content, video is a must-have format for all types of businesses.
What are your thoughts on these trends and best practices? We’d love to hear how you and your company have embraced them in the comments section below!