Content Audit & Gap Analysis

Audits turn your content library into a valued resource your marketing team will trust to access existing content again and again for new projects and campaigns. And they allow you to reserve budgets for net-new content only where it’s needed.

Content audits and gap analyses are among the most important strategy services we offer. Our expert content strategists examine your content library and deliver the data and insights to help you make your B2B content marketing more strategic and effective.

When Content4Demand executes an audit, we analyze each piece in your content library for timeliness, relevance and alignment to specific personas and the buyer’s journey—any data you find valuable. Then we identify content gaps and opportunities to repurpose or update your existing assets.

You’ll have a clear view of what you do and don’t need to address particular buyer stages, campaigns topic areas and personas—and in which formats. There are a host of benefits to conducting a content audit, including:

Web Content Audits

Unlike SEO audits, website content audits, or experience audits, focus more narrowly on the content itself. We make sure the content on your site aligns with your marketing strategy and meets customers’ increasing expectations for web experiences. We assess how well the content addresses target audience needs and pain points, how fresh it is, how effective it is at guiding prospects through the buyer’s journey and whether it’s organized in a way that makes it easy for visitors to navigate to what they want.

content audit gap analysis

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