Interactive Experience
Poly: The Progressive IT Pro’s Guide to Addressing Open Office Chaos
Poly’s iPaper brings data to life to show CIOs and their teams how they can be the heroes in delivering improved employee experience to open office plans—and why they should. A clean layout allows readers to find the pieces they care most about, while strategic animations and eye-catching illustrations highlight key stats.
The scrolling experience means Poly can pull readers into an immersive experience, not clobber them with big, boring copy blocks. Instead, prospects find useful checklists, colorful carousels and clear best practices they can access with a click.
Interactive iPaper
Poly: The Progressive IT Pro’s Guide to Addressing Open Office Chaos
Poly’s iPaper brings data to life to show CIOs and their teams how they can be the heroes in delivering improved employee experience to open office plans—and why they should. A clean layout allows readers to find the pieces they care most about, while strategic animations and eye-catching illustrations highlight key stats.
The scrolling experience means Poly can pull readers into an immersive experience, not clobber them with big, boring copy blocks. Instead, prospects find useful checklists, colorful carousels and clear best practices they can access with a click.