Fast & Easy Friday – 11.17.17


Steve Voith, Director of Marketing & Demand Generation



Here are the top five content marketing stories that grabbed our attention this week. We find the best so you don’t have to!

6 Reasons to Hire Your Audience: The Benefits of UGC (MarketingProfs)

There are way more than 6 reasons to work with your audience to develop user-generated content (UGC). MarketingProfs does us all a favor and distills the many reason “why” into the top 6. Some of our favorite benefits include:

  1. Gain audience insights
  2. Find unique content
  3. Increase personalization

Check out the full article for more details and the other three top UGC benefits.


How to Build the Right Content Marketing Strategy for SEO Growth (Moz Blog)

The chicken and egg dilemma of what comes first, content or SEO, will likely always exist. Moz offers up a solution for all B2B marketers to agree on–your audience should come first and dictate both your approach to content and SEO. This article breaks down the differences between an audience-focused content strategy vs. a keyword-focused strategy and takes it one step further by offering 9 steps to building a content strategy that delivers.


[Video] What Really Capture’s People’s Attention is THE Billion Dollar Question in Marketing (Hubspot)

The answer…what captures your attention! To ensure your attention stays focused on this thoughtful piece, Hubspot aggregated their commentary in video format. We know that B2B buyer attention is at all-time low and this video offers up a helpful analysis of:

  1. how human “attention” works
  2. the evolving ways saavy companies are vying for our attention
  3. the impacts of new technologies on human attention and approaches to marketing
  4. how today’s marketers can stay competitive in the cut-throat “attention marketplace”


Do You Really Need Another Blog Post? (TopRank Marketing)

TopRank marketing asserts that the short-form blog post’s hay day has come and gone. B2B marketers are instead recommended to focus their content efforts in these areas:

  1. Long-form assets
  2. Video content
  3. Influencer content, and more

The overarching theme here: focus on creating quality content and less on the volume of content.


10 Influencer Marketing Tips to Reach New Audiences (Marketing Insider Group)

A recent study by Tomoson claims that influencer marketing brings 51% better customers on average–customers willing to spend more, buy more frequently and stay loyal. Marketing Insider Group’s 10 tips are all worth reviewing, but here are our top tips, based on our own experience developing influencer content for our clients:

  1. Involve the influencer
  2. Do your research
  3. Look beyond the followers
  4. Work with micro-influencers
  5. Create a story

Have some thoughts? We’d love to hear from you; drop us a line in the comments section below.


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