Marketers Mix It Up With Multiple Content Formats

IDG Enterprise recently announced the results of its 2012 content marketing survey. The study included about 740 responses over three weeks earlier this summer. The results are interesting, and I wanted to offer up the SlideShare presentation of the results, along with a quick summary of the high points:

In no particular order, here are the five most interesting things I noticed in the study:

  1. Over half of the respondents are using 10 or more content formats/tactics, all of which they consider effective.
  2. The infographic is the fastest-growing content marketing format; its use increased 50% over last year.
  3. Almost all marketers (94%) create new content from scratch, but marketers also say a lack of time and bandwidth to create new content is a major challenge.
  4. The top three goals for content marketing are lead generation (68%), thought leadership (50%) and brand awareness (39%).
  5. The three leading content marketing formats this year are case studies (62%), white papers/ebooks (61%) and press releases (58%).

You know what I find most interesting about that last point? The number of marketers who think a press release qualifies as a “content marketing” format. It’s not. Really.

Have a great holiday weekend.

-Matthew McKenzie


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