Mount Up! Become a B2B Social Success!

There will always be the speculators who will “downvote” anything out of the ordinary or just plain different — especially when it comes to

Does your business leverage the ever-growing social networks we are so lucky to have at our fingertips? LinkedIn is currently at the throne of B2B social media networking, but that doesn’t mean the other networks don’t provide great results if utilized correctly. Some believe there is no room for the B2B industry in the social media space aside from LinkedIn, but that is simply not true. Those speculators … tisk, tisk.

There is nothing more irritating than hearing you can’t do something. Imagine the world today if we never stepped out of our comfort zones. Where would we all be?

B2B companies have been making waves and proving these naysayers and speculators wrong — they do have a place in the social space and are thriving!

There are dozens of examples of how the B2B industry is thriving in the social media space, but instead let’s dive into the HOW-TO.

How To Become a B2B Social Success:

  1. #MountUp: The first step to succeeding at anything is to mount up! Can’t succeed if you don’t try, right? Create accounts, begin interacting, engaging, and creating long lasting relationships.
  2. Quality Trumps Quantity: Your biggest advocates (followers, engagers, friends, pinners, lovers … etc.) will have less volume and higher-quality connections. Cultivating relationships that actually transform into something more is a struggle in itself, don’t muddy the waters by letting in “time wasters”.
  3. Timing is everything: You wouldn’t celebrate #ThrowbackThursday on Wednesday, would you? Focus on posting the content that matters when it matters.
  4. Social activity thrives in the dark: The majority of retweets occur between the hours of 5 p.m. and midnight, so stay social and share late into the night!
  5. Visuals help garner attention and attention is the first step in building a truly meaningful relationship. Be sure to include where and when you can – people like shiny things.
  6. We all prefer prompt feedback. It’s no different when it comes to social networking, promptness is expected in the social space, so be timely with your responses and coverage.
  7. Get Involved to be Involved: Be part of the conversation or else you won’t be, and we all know that you can’t afford not to be.
  8. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your brand norm: Change is inevitable and welcomes opportunity, so be different, don’t just “think different”.

If you hadn’t already been outside your box, here’s your chance to jump out and mount up! Show those speculators you mean business and take the reins! These are just a handful of tips to get your B2B company on the track to social success,  please, feel free to share your #MountUp tips below! Good luck and get social!


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