This month’s spotlight is focused on C4D Content Strategist Brenda Caine, who found her way into marketing for tech companies through a temp job for a data-backup company at the ripe old age of 24. She still enjoys the challenge of developing effective content marketing strategy for B2B clients and writing the content that helps bring those strategies to fruition. When she’s not immersed in technology or B2B marketing, you can find her dancing in the ballet studio, lifting weights at the gym or strolling down the avenue in a 1930s dress (with a smart hat to match!).
What’s one of your favorite projects you’ve worked on and why?
Right now, I’m working with a client on developing and deploying a research survey for a tech client. Research gives us insight that helps us create content that speaks directly to our audiences and helps them solve real problems that they face every day.
What’s the most important or interesting thing you’ve learned since joining C4D?
I’ve learned so much about the different content formats that exist. We have super-talented design people who create content that my verbally focused brain couldn’t even imagine. They really know how to make words come to life.
Where did you go to school and what did you study?
I have a bachelor’s degree with a double major in English and Religious Studies from the University of Virginia. Go ‘Hoos! Nothing teaches you how to think critically and communicate effectively like a liberal arts education. I’m so grateful for the education I received at UVa. I moved to San Diego after college and earned my MBA while working for a tech company. It gave me a strong business foundation for my career in corporate marketing and then on the agency side, supporting our corporate clients.
What’s your favorite movie?
I love movies from the 1930s and ’40s. I never tire of watching Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musicals. One of my favorites is “Roberta.” I also love screwball comedies like “The Awful Truth” with Cary Grant and Irene Dunne. These movies are great escapism.
What inspires you?
I’m inspired by the beauty of all the arts. For me, it represents the best of what humans can achieve when they create for something greater than themselves. Last summer, I visited Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater in Mill Run, Pennsylvania, for the first time. It was amazing beyond description. This spring, I traveled to Rome, where I ran into beautiful art and architecture around every corner.
What’s the weirdest work experience you’ve had?
I served as director of communications and IT at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, which supported the College of Agriculture. Ag professors traditionally taught about the different cuts of beef by having students gather around a table in the lecture hall, where they had a cow carcass to demonstrate the various cuts. But it was really hard for everyone to see what was going on. (Probably didn’t smell so great either!) So my talented creative team created a 3-D presentation where each cut of meat separated itself from the cow and came flying toward the audience, rotating 360 degrees so you could see it from all angles. It was so cool! I actually ducked.