Steve Voith, Director of Marketing & Demand Generation
Here are the top five content marketing stories that grabbed our attention this week. We find the best so you don’t have to!
Should You Let a Bot Write Your Content? (HubSpot)
With AI on the rise, there is a lot of discussion circulating around their benefits and drawbacks. This is a fascinating article on why we should be very cautious before allowing a bot to write your content. They hit on a few very interesting points, including their lack of emotion, inability to interject humor, and capturing thoughts and feelings. Read through the article and let us know what you think!
Facebook’s Paul Peterman Discusses Importance of a Mobile-First B2B Strategy (DemandGenReport)
Utilizing a mobile-first strategy is no longer an option. Our generation is so accustomed to having live, up-to date information sitting in the palm of their hand 24/7, something that the old B2B marketing strategy did not take into consideration. This is a quick read on Paul Peterman’s, U.S. Head of Industry, Technology & Connectivity at Facebook, solution on breaking away from traditional marketing and gives the mobile-first strategy a try.
Why Digital Marketing is Crucial– No Matter the Size of Your Business (Marketo Blog)
It’s no doubt that digital marketing warrants unimaginable potential when executed well. This article is composed of 13 reasons that marketers can use to defend their digital marketing case… if someone dares to question your usage of digital marketing! Make sure to read reason 9, ‘account-based marketing closes bigger B2B account’, this one is our favorite.
Event Marketing Experts Predict 3 Emerging Trends For Sponsors (Marketing Insider Group)
Event marketing exploded last year, and with more than 63% of marketers planning to invest more this year, it is clear that event marketing will stick around a while longer. Our favorite example in the article is using experiential marketing at events like trade shows. This article offers a few interesting perspectives on event marketing and how to utilize it most effectively within the B2B space.
Five Common SEO Mistakes That Content Marketers Make (MarketingProfs)
Are you ignoring search engine optimization because you don’t think it matters to your business? Or is SEO is hugely important and gives your company a major edge? No matter your situation, this article focuses specifically on the challenges of generating great SEO results from blogging. It offers five common mistakes that marketers make, and solutions for combating them. The most valuable point we believe is number 3, not promoting old posts.
Have some thoughts? Something blow your mind? We’d love to hear from you; drop us a line in the comments section below.