Fast & Easy Friday – 4.13.18

Steve Voith, Director of Marketing & Demand Generation



Here are the top five content marketing stories that grabbed our attention this week. We find the best so you don’t have to!


How Data is Driving the Evolution of Sales & Marketing Tactics (Marketing Insider Group)

The power of data is derived from its ability to make sales and marketing more focused and personalized. We are able to know infinitely more about our potential leads and clients than ever before with such large amount of data at our fingertips. With all of this data comes many ways to use it, which can be overwhelming. This article dives into the ways leading B2B organizations are using data to make decisions. Make sure to read the article about persona-based marketing– it is our favorite! 

B2B Marketers Fine Tune Cross-Channel Strategies to Streamline Self-Directed Journeys (Demand Gen Report)

This article articulates the importance of cross-channel marketing for boosting conversion rates with buyers. Now that data is at the tip of our fingers, buyers are researching well before contacting companies. This leaves companies with a wide-open net for planting multiple touchpoints for potential clients to see, which will ultimately help close more deals! Definitely give this article a read to learn more about how B2B marketers are fine tuning cross-channel strategies to streamline self-directed journeys. 

The Bot Plan: Your Guide to Making Conversations Convert (Moz)

Whether you like it or not, chatbots are an integral part of our future. This article discusses the positives of chatbots and why we should work with them, not against. Some of the benefits of bots include huge savings for your company as well as someone who is always “on”. Bots do not call out of work sick, or let their performance suffer when they didn’t sleep the night before. Bots provide an experience that is far superior to humans in several ways. Keep reading to see why these bots are the future of business. 

4 Reasons Your Story is Your Most Valuable Marketing Asset (Marketo)

In this age of martech its easy to neglect the most important part of our marketing strategy, the story. No one cares about the different technologies you are using if your story is bland and unmemorable. Your story is the very core, or should be, of your marketing strategy. The article discusses an important message of why it does not matter what new medium is trendy, whether it is video, blog, infographic, VR, if your message is lost no one will remember you. Focus on the story and the right medium will follow!

5 Steps to an Agile B2B Content Marketing Strategy (Ko Marketing)

The draw to agile marketing is the improved efficiency of your team and ability to produce high-quality content. Content marketing is a long and lengthy process though, so how can agile marketing really benefit your team? This article states how an agile team will have improved collaboration, ability to pivot when change occurs, and create content that will produce an ROI. Keep reading to learn the 5 steps to creating an agile marketing strategy at your company. 


Have some thoughts? Something blow your mind? We’d love to hear from you; drop us a line in the comments section below.


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