Fast & Easy Friday – 5.4.18

Steve Voith, Director of Marketing & Demand Generation



Here are the top five content marketing stories that grabbed our attention this week. We find the best so you don’t have to!


Why The Future of Content Marketing Isn’t Content Marketing (Kapost)

The term content marketing may be on its way to retirement, but content certainly isn’t. This is an interesting article that explains the future of content marketing and what that means for our content itself. It talks about the shift from simple marketing, to create a seamless customer experience across channels. Keep reading to learn more about content operation and what this means for the future of content marketing!

27 B2B Marketing Measurement Reports in Google Analytics (Ko Marketing)

Google Analytics has over 100 different reports available, but only 25% of these will show valuable insights for B2B marketers. This is a great article to refresh your knowledge of Google Analytics and gain a better insight into the different reports. With so many options available it can easily get overwhelming, that’s why we love how simple this article breaks down each report and how it can be helpful to your marketing team! 

3 Ways to Amp Up Your Campaigns With Live & Digital Events Your Buyers Will Eat Up (Demand Gen Report)

B2B buyers are getting very selective with the type of content they are consuming. This article discusses the growing interest in live and digital events. Incorporating webinars and podcasts into your marketing mix is effective in engaging your audience and increasing source trust. Give this article a quick read to see the three ways you can amp up your campaigns. 

How to Make Your Emails More Relevant and Effective (Marketing Insider Group)

When someone subscribes to your email list they except something worthwhile in return. It is so easy to forget that your subscribers list is composed of real humans with their individual goals and needs. This article lists six great questions to ask yourself when creating and sending emails to your subscribers. The ultimate goal is bridging the gap between what you want as a marketer and what the subscribers hope to receive. 

Tons of  Traffic But Few Conversions? Three Ideas for Repurposing Blog Traffic (Marketing Profs)

There is tons of traffic to your blog, but when you dig deeper you learn that your exit rate is high and your conversion rate is low. Vanity metrics are misleading! Sometimes we see great numbers and start writing a lot of content on the same topic, without regard to what our target audience wants to read. This article provides three ideas for redeeming value from a mistargeted, high-traffic, well-ranking posts. 


Have some thoughts? Something blow your mind? We’d love to hear from you; drop us a line in the comments section below.


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