Fast & Easy Friday: A Recap of the Week’s Top Articles & Insights

Whether you’re bemoaning the pile of work that the changing digital marketing landscape has dumped in your lap or lauding new digital tools and channels for all the information and insights they deliver, it’s undeniable that digital has become an important part of the B2B marketing conversation. It was certainly a popular topic this week, so we’ve compiled some of the most interesting perspectives in this round-up to celebrate the end of another busy week in B2B.

  • Drowning in data; yearning for insights: Marketers are suffering from “data indigestion,” says Gayle Fuguitt, Chief of Customer Insights and Innovation at Foursquare in an interview with eMarketer.Our guts agree with her. We say we want data, but what we want is the insights we hope to glean from that data. In the interview, she talks about the growing ability to balance the scale and precision of our data to uncover the really useful, meaty stuff, and how the future of marketing is headed beyond traditional demographics to serve up the valuable insights we’re really after.

  • Diving into the data pool: Sure, we’re having some trouble digesting data. But this article asserts that the 88% of marketers who say their data-driven marketing initiatives aren’t achieving significant results may actually point to a lack of training with analytical tools or a failure to make decisions based on their data. Embracing the future means embracing the data, and this article gives some tips on how to tackle the challenges we’ll face along the way.

  • Which digital marketing trends should you budget for? It can be tough to sift the passing crazes from the long-term trends. This handy infographic spotlights big-picture strategies: from effective blog post length (spoiler alert: it’s getting longer!) and content audits to current views on short-form and live video, and the evolving role of messaging and chat. The details it pulls from recent research reports are worth reading before your next budget meeting.

  • Will video kill the Instagram star? That may overstate the case, but there’s no arguing that video dominates the digital landscape. As the newest channels and formats continue to fuel video’s rise to marketing stardom, it’s valuable to keep tabs on audience and spending data. This quarterly update from eMarketer gives you the latest news you can use.

While you’re thinking about digital marketing, it’s a great time to consider whether interactive content is right for your buyers. Check out our iPaper to learn “The 5 Payoffs of Interactive Content.”

Which digital tools and strategies would you like to learn more about in future posts? Drop us a line in the comments section below.


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