We hope you enjoy this handy recap of the B2B content marketing articles that caught our attention this week.
- Fast and Furious: What Companies Can Learn From the Auto Racing Industry:Trying to keep up with the latest research, trends and tech tools sometimes leaves us spinning our wheels, so the racing theme of this Forbes article seems more than apt. In motorsports, anything but a fast decision can be costly; agile marketing may not require a split-second decision, but more than one marketing team has missed an opportunity as a result of analysis paralysis. This piece is a fresh way to look at some important company marketing vehicles that you may decide are due for a tune-up.
- 5 Modern Content Marketing Best Practices for Getting Found: What if the E-book your team jumped through hoops to create only makes it into the hands of a dozen people? Or what if you discover that the blog post you agonized over gets lost in the ether? Even if the writing and design are spot-on, you won’t get any traction if your content can’t get found. The importance of SEO isn’t new, but some of the techniques for maximizing it are. If you think incorporating a few keywords and metatags will cut it, think again. The very essence of the content is critical, even in search optimization. The way SEO expert Sean Van Guilder puts it, “When a searcher asks a question, your content needs to raise its hand in a crowded universe.” In other words, your content must be targeted to the right persona, built to answer the questions they would ask, among other things. Read the article for more information and learn what those “other things” are; it’s a worthwhile read.
- How to Build Genuine Trust With Your Content Marketing Strategy: With fake news making big headlines, it’s no wonder that trust is tougher to come by. But if you cultivate credibility with your audience, you’ll be one huge step closer to forging a strong relationship with customers. This Stern Strategy Group piece quickly details three ways to cultivate that culture of trust in your content strategy. We trust you’ll enjoy the quick read before the weekend.
- 16 Video Marketing Stats You Need to Know: The value of video in content marketing is undisputed, but only when you know how B2B video content is being consumed will you be able to make the best decisions about how to execute yours. Did you know, for instance, that 86% of business-related video views occur on desktop computers? That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t optimize video for mobile devices as well, but it might mean that you should make different decisions about which experience to prioritize if there are trade-offs to be made. Check out the rest of the video consumption stats in this colorful Social Media Today infographic to keep your finger on the pulse of B2B video.
- User-Generated Content: Risks and Rewards: Nielsen has reported that 92% of consumers from 56 countries say they trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising. That puts user-generated content pretty high on the list of trends you should be keeping an eye on – and incorporating into your plans. This MarketTech article cuts to the chase with a round-up of great stats on the value of user-generated content followed by a quick rundown of the pitfalls to avoid. Want to learn more? The article wraps up with three other sources you can check out to dig deeper. Quick and dirty, and perfect for a Friday.
What do you find most important in B2B content news? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!