Fast & Easy Friday: A Recap of the Week’s Top Articles & Insights

Here are the stories that grabbed our attention this week. We hope you find some inspiration before you head out to enjoy the weekend.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Big Rock Content: Jason Miller advises marketers to create one significant “big rock” content asset every quarter – a video, an e-book or a white paper in which you answer the top question on prospects’ minds. Would you expect him to talk about it in dry, educational terms? Of course not. He teaches about big rock strategy by talking about The Clash. You’ll learn why one relevant, well-constructed asset beats “9 million blogs and a bunch of e-books” in Google rankings. Of course, building something big takes time and resources, so he also talks about how and why you should then repurpose the heck out of it. Under his leadership, one piece of LinkedIn content that cost about $25K to produce drove $4.6 million in revenue (an 18,000% ROI!), so it seems wise to listen carefully to anything he’s willing to teach us. Don’t miss his explanation of the marketing team of the future with a KISS analogy. (Yes, I’ve seen them 6 times. Don’t judge.)
  • 5 Most Effective B2B Lead Generation Tactics in 2017: If leads are your business’ bread and butter – and what business doesn’t rely on leads? – it’s crucial that you stay abreast of how to generate them. Some of us remember when the Yellow Pages were a “must have,” and many of us have seen direct mail cycle out and back in again. My point is, this stuff isn’t written in stone. This piece on Huffington Post describes the current state of five top tactics and is peppered with useful stats and tips like this one: “According to HubSpot, companies that nurture leads through email generate 50 more sales-ready leads on average at 33% of the cost.” Good to know.
  • How to Run B2B Facebook Advertising: B2B marketers in the know have noticed that Facebook recently surpassed LinkedIn as the most effective social media platform in B2B, which makes now a good time to highlight the best ways to take advantage of its reach. This article offers helpful advice on a common B2B struggle: how to get your message to your target audience. It also covers B2B video content, how to use Facebook for remarketing campaigns, and a few words about case studies.
  • New AI from Demandbase Sniffs for B2B Purchase Intent: Watching the unveiling of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities in B2B marketing can feel like watching a tsunami approaching in slow motion. A huge wave is headed our way, and preparing for it seems overwhelming. Demandbase is offering a sneak peek into what lies ahead for B2B with its Real-Time Intent functionality, which it says will help B2B companies turn digital intent signals into actions, allowing marketers to identify buyer intent in the research stage of the buyer’s journey. The project draws from $150 million in funding the company has closed thus far, with a promise of further AI investment. Real-Time Intent will launch this fall, with additional features available before year end.

Social media’s importance in the B2B mix continues to grow. Make sure you keep up with the way buyers are using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other networks. This handy infographic from Content4Demand is a great place to start.





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