C4D Staffer Spotlight: Holly Celeste Fisk, Client Services Manager

We hope you’re enjoying meeting the C4D team in our ongoing column. In this edition, we’d like to introduce you to Holly Celeste Fisk, Client Services Manager to the Stars. (She told us to say that.) When she’s not pushing “Auntarchy” with her niece and nephew, she’s overseeing the content creation process with some of our top clients — always trying to ensure that they’re excited about the work we do and that their content is as successful as possible. We hope you enjoy getting to know more about her.


What B2B marketing trend is inspiring you right now?
Interactive content is exciting. It’s grabbing users’ attention, and it gives marketers a deep view into what engages their customers. From an engagement perspective, we have a much greater ability to capture buyers’ attention and get them involved with the content. And just as exciting, the new digital platforms deliver detailed insights that we can use to adjust messaging in real-time while adding to our understanding of how to create even more engaging content.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned since joining C4D?
I’ve learned so much, and that’s one of my favorite things about this job. I work with such extraordinary people who are just so smart and love what they do. Everyone takes the time to share insights, strategies, best practices, new tools — you name it.

What common B2B marketing mistake makes you cringe?
Too much copy. Get to the point.


968893_10200832737435586_232200998_nWhat city do you live in, and what’s great about it?
I live in Los Angeles, where there’s always something fun and weird going on… Like the time John Schneider (Bo Duke on “Dukes of Hazzard”) serenaded me in the middle of a party at Paramount Studios. (I told you: weird.) There are so many people and projects that inspire me to look at the world differently. I get to see film screenings, plays, live music, strange variety shows and my favorite comedians (like Louis C.K.!) in small clubs just a short Uber ride away. Plus, year-round softball weather, great Mexican food and Dodger Stadium. I love it here.

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?
If I had to pick my favorite anything, I think my head would explode. I love “Mad Men,” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” “Bull Durham,” and everything Louis C.K. touches. He’s brilliant. That’s him in the photo, pretending to be my boyfriend.

What’s your motto?
Try everything. Repeat what works.


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