Here is our countdown of the top-trending pieces and posts generating buzz and airplay this month in content marketing. These intriguing conversations and case studies not only drove eyeballs and downloads, but stirred some interesting comments and dialogue along the way.

1. Bottom of the Funnel Content You’re Probably Missing

Bottom of the funnel content

It’s not uncommon for content marketing to accumulate in your library that leans heavily toward just one or two legs of the buyer’s journey. (If you don’t know where your library is weighted, a content audit could be an eye-opener and a cost-saver for your upcoming campaigns.) Lots of marketing teams enthusiastically churn out content designed to attract early-stage buyers in particular, leaving many of them in limbo, lacking the content that could urge them toward a final purchase. This SnapApp post goes deeper into the importance of bottom-of-the-funnel content – what it is, why it’s important and which formats are a great fit for this pivotal stage of the buyer’s journey.

2. Clorox Is Preparing for a World With More—But Less Obvious—Marketing, Says CMO Eric Reynolds

Clorox CMO Eric Reynolds

Clorox CMO Eric Reynolds spoke with Adweek following a presentation at ANA Masters of Marketing conference in Orlando, Florida, last month, sharing visions of the future of marketing being ushered in by technology advances and greater availability of customer data. “It’s going to be all about getting the right people to have the right conversations,” he said, and those conversations will take place within their trusted networks, not their traditional media. Sure, some of his examples are more readily applicable to the B2C world, but B2B will inevitably follow similar roads. His insights offer welcome food for thought as we try to envision where marketing will take us in our own futures.

3. 14 Ways to Avoid Creating Safe & Boring Content

Safe and Boring Content

Always leaning toward the “safe” option in content is actually dangerous. You run the risk of becoming invisible to potential buyers, who are looking for something new or important to catch their attention. How do you tiptoe out of your comfort zone? Start with the tips in this helpful piece from SearchEngine Journal. It starts with the pep talk many of us need to get started, but it goes beyond the tired advice we’ve all read dozens of times, drawing things like editorial planning and pushing boundaries by asking yourself “What if?”

4. Turning Word-of-Mouth Marketing Into a B2B Weapon

Jay Baer Word of Mouth

If you haven’t read Jay Baer’s new book, “Talk Triggers,” this compelling AdAge Q&A with Baer will make you want to. It’s a great glimpse into how and why marketers should “operationalize” word of mouth as a valuable component in the marketing stack. At first blush, word of mouth may seem more applicable to the B2C arena, but Baer delivers concrete B2B examples that will change your mind, embracing his advice to empower customers with stories they’ll share with prospects… and possibly humming the UberConference hold music.

5. Creative Artists of the B2B Marketing Canvas

B2B Innovators Awards

Demand Gen Report recently announced the winners of the second annual B2B Innovator Awards, recognizing 32 winners who’ve taken innovative approaches to connect, engage and build relationships with their audiences. This vibrant iPaper will give you a tour of the inspiring innovations in a range of categories from Gen Z Trailblazerz and B2B Technologists to Account Converters and B2B Vanguards. Check it out to learn who to congratulate and emulate.

We hope we’ve helped inspire you on your path to improving B2B marketing content. If you’re eager to read more, check out our Resources Page.


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