Fast & Easy Friday – 3.9.18


Steve Voith, Director of Marketing & Demand Generation



Here are the top five content marketing stories that grabbed our attention this week. We find the best so you don’t have to!

The Website Migration Guide: SEO Strategy, Process, & Checklist (Moz) 

Migrating your website in the near-future? Then this website migration guide is a must-read to ensure you care for all things search and optimization. Heck, this is probably a good read even if you aren’t planning a migration–we know we all will be sooner than later!


The Benefits of Multichannel Marketing Attribution With Automated Machine Learning (Demand Gen Report)

An excellent breakdown of two of today’s top marketing topics: marketing attribution and machine learning. Rest assured the discussion and takeaways are very straightforward. Enjoy!


This is Key Marketing Metrics For Buyer Journey Conversions (Marketo Blog)

Take a walk in your buyers’ shoes and read this fantastic article on the key marketing metrics for each stage of your buyer’s journey. 


Unlocking The Power of Employee Storytelling With Participation Marketing (Marketing Insider Group)

Employees are a must-use source of influencer marketing and user-generated content (UGC). Check out this article for tips on the how and why of employees as powerful storytellers.


Have some thoughts? Something blow your mind? We’d love to hear from you; drop us a line in the comments section below.


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